UA-196573133-1 Nutri Mix | Mira Honey | Honey Mix | Honey with ginger and turmeric | UA-196573133-1
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In our honey-dense Mira Nutri Mix™, we mixed our best quality raw honey with ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and lemon. When you feel the need to supplement your immune system or energy throughout the day, you can consume 2 or 3 teaspoons of Mira Nutri Mix™.


In this special product, not only you will enjoy the superior benefits of our high-quality raw honey, but also :

  • Gingers antispasmodic and antiemetic properties

  • Turmerics' anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects

  • Lemon's antibacterial and immune stimulant properties

  • Black Peppers' ability to increase the bioavailability of other foods potentiates the effects within the body and stimulates the immune system.

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